Friday, October 31, 2008

4 Days Until the Election!

This is a copy of an email that I sent to the staff here at Anderson. If you'd like the stickers that are mentioned, just let me know and I'll email the template to you ASAP.



Hi friends,

One of the things that I remember from election day growing up is that, after they voted in the morning before school, most of the adults could be seen sporting those "I Voted!" stickers that you used to be able to get at the polls. That tradition sadly went away with the rise of mail-in ballots, but the tradeoff is that I can vote while watching Gossip Girl, so I think that's reasonable.

Anyhow, I miss those stickers--so I went and made some. If you'd like an "I Voted!" sticker, there are some sheets in the staff room that you can use. I figure it's a quick and easy portable civics lesson that you can show on your chest.



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