The big news last week was that the Governor released her supplemental budget for the 2010-2011 fiscal year. I mentioned in October that the picture wasn't very bright, but now we have a guide for how things could be. The cuts to the MLSD in her budget include:
- $1,085,361 in levy equalization funds, which helps to bridge the gap between property-rich and property-poor school districts in Washington.
- $199,137 in I-728 money, which we use for class size reduction.
- $268,799 from what is known as "K-4 Enhancement" funds, provided by the state to allow lower class size in the primary grades.
- $31,667 when the last state-funded Learning Improvement Day goes away.
To say that things are going to be tight would be an understatement on a magnitude of 10. The Governor is talking about a "revenue increase" that would allow us to avoid some of the worst cuts, but it remains an open question whether we'll be able to get that done for the 2010-2011 school year or not.
What can you do about it? Quite a bit, actually.
- Contact your legislator to let them know how much these cuts will hurt. Losing teachers will hurt. Losing funding for gifted education will hurt. Losing the levy equalization that allows a district like ours to stay in the black will hurt. I think they know this, but they also need to hear it loud and clear from us as often as we possibly can.
- If you're not already a member, please consider joining the WEA's Political Action Committee. It's an easy way to make a difference for $2.25 a month.
- Stay together. We're all in this handbasket, wherever it may be taking us.
We live in interesting times.