Thursday, August 28, 2008

Bellevue Teachers Set Stage For Strike

The 1,100 teachers in the Bellevue School District are set to start striking on September 2nd. While there's a wage issue on the table, one of the biggest themes that I heard from Bellevue's leadership at conferences over the summer was the "scripted, rigid" curriculum that the district is mandating the teachers use.

It's an interesting conversation to have. Curriculum is a district prerogative, and the role of the state in that domain has certainly increased. On my first grade team at Anderson we've been trying to blend the math curriculum we have with the new math expectations from the state and turn that into a cohesive sequence that also fits what we're looking for on the report cards, and all of this is before you get to teaching the actual lesson in front of the kids.

Keep an eye on what happens in Bellevue; the over-arching issue could mean something for us all statewide.

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