Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Let Your Voice Be Heard in Olympia

We're reaching a critical time in this legislative session. There's a big revenue forecast coming out on Friday, and the Senate is set to release their education budget next week. One of our major goals for this session was to restore the COLA that was cuta few years back, and you can help that happen.

I can tell you honestly that the emails you send to the legislature make a difference; in the meetings that I had in Olympia earlier this week several of the politicians we sat down with talked about how getting that feedback from teachers made an impact. Dan Brown, president of WEA-Eastern, gives some of the basics on cyber lobbying here, and you can follow this link to go to a great, intuitive website that the WEA has set up that makes emailing your elected representatives a breeze. If you don't know your Senator or Representative, don't sweat it--put in your address and the site will figure it out for you.

One important thing: DO NOT SEND POLITICAL EMAILS FROM YOUR SCHOOL EMAIL ADDRESS OR DURING SCHOOL HOURS. This runs afoul of all sorts of campiagn finance law, and it gets noticed. Also, if you read the message from Dan above, cc the email to him and you'll be entered into a drawing to win a small cash prize. That said, the satisfaction of being a part of the process is priceless, so you come out ahead no matter what happens.


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