Monday, February 25, 2008

What's New With Bargaining?

This past weekend Diana Nicely, Tina Evans, Melanie Kilgore, Wendy Stewart, Terry King, and Ryan Grant all attended the Eastern Regional Bargaining Conference in Moses Lake. It was a very good conference that lead to a ton of discussion; the best part comes in hearing what the other locals around the state are doing and thinking about how the work they've done can benefit us.

We followed that up by attending a Beginning Bargaining Skills workshop at the WEA-Eastern office where we talked about strategies for successful negotiating, as well as the basics of table behavior. They served bake potatoes, and that's all it takes for me to call it a good day.

Bottom line, the team is working hard! We've identified a couple of key areas that we'll be focusing on, and our clear number one priority that we refuse to give on is....certainly not going to get posted on the internet. ;-)

Please always remember that the members of your bargaining team are always happy to listen to the questions and comments you have. It's your input that allows us to be successful; please share!

The 2008 Bargaining Team members are:

Medical Lake Elementary: Wendy Stewart, Lisa Dunlop, Jamie Meyers
Hallett Elementary: Sheila Overman, Cheryl Spilker
Anderson Elementary: Melanie Kilgore, Ryan Grant
Medical Lake Middle School: Terry King, Sam Peterson
Medical Lake High School: Vikki Hernvall, Tim Martin
Student Services: Holly Smith, Tina Evans

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